Welcome to Best Bloody Mary!

We hope you love Bloody Mary drinks as much as we do.

This app allows you to create publicly available ratings of Bloody Mary drinks and places so you and other people can find where the best places for drinking Bloody Mare are in the world.

By submitting a rating you agree that the picture/image you submit is owned by you and will from the time of adding the rating fall under Creative Commons licensing.

All your ratings are shared publicly and anonymously. While we won\'t share your information with other users we do save your personal info in case of abuse and potential legal enforcement.

We hold the right to ban you from our system without prior consent or warning and we will enforce a Zero tolerance policy in case you upload and share anything but BloodyMary drink images.

Whenever you submit a rating your information will be stored in our system to prevent abuse.

In short terms, behave and have a good time!
